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Record and track your financial activity
ALM Taxation > Services > Accounting

Preparing financial statements accounting

ALM Taxation prepares financial statements for our clients, we provide a mix of accounting advice and review, so information is gathered and prepared in a timely and comprehensive way. Our expert accountancy team is ready and able to take on any challenge.


We help clients in the following ways:

  • Selecting suitable accounting software and payroll software.
  • Installing accounting and payroll software on your computers, and customising of same to your needs, set-up appropriate chart of accounts and payroll tables.
  • Setting up appropriate accounting and record keeping procedures.
  • Training your staff in using the software and providing telephone and dial-in support.
  • Monitoring your staff that they are using the software correctly and that the source data is being entered accurately.
  • Preparing monthly financial, managerial reports.
  • Preparing annual financial statements.
  • Certifying annual workers’ compensation policy declarations.
  • Management accounting including budgeting, asset management, cost control and performance evaluations.

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